5 history questions 300 words 1
answer 5 questions after reviewing all the material.
reading- https://www.aimovement.org/ggc/history.html
reading- http://www.nativepartnership.org/site/PageServer?p…
reading- https://www.nlm.nih.gov/nativevoices/timeline/516….
powerpoint and notes are attached.
questions-1) What did the 1968 Indian Civil Rights Act entail? Compare and contrast the US government’s perspective and the Native American perspective.
2) What does the term “sovereignty” mean? Why might it be an important term to Native American tribes based on the history we’ve learned so far?
3) What did the 1975 Native American Sovereignty and Educational Assistance Act entail? Compare and contrast the US government’s perspective and the Native American perspective.
4) How do both of these acts build off of or differ from the previous Termination and Relocation policies we learned about?
5) According to the PowerPoint lecture and the readings, how did the American Indian Movement emerge? What are your thoughts/reactions/connections to this week’s materials overall?
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