Agency Based Intervention
You have a $100,000 budget to develop an intervention to address an unmet need/problem you identified for a target population within your community. The $100,000 budget should be used to help you conceptualize and scale how the interventions will be used to assist the clients. Please write a 6-8 page properly formatted paper using APA (6th edition) describing an agency-based intervention that you will implement. In this paper, please describe the community-based outcomes of the intervention. The $100,000 budget should be used to help you conceptualize and scale how the interventions will be used to assist the clients.Suggested Paper OutlineSummarize your community in one paragraph. Refer back to your community assessment paper and include a concise summarization of the following:description of the neighborhood with important demographic informationstrengths and assets of the communityidentify one problem/opportunity from the community that you will address with your agency-based interventionProvide some deeper information about the scope of the problem/issue/concern. Who does the problem affect? How many people (statistics) does the problem affect? Are people disproportionally impacted by this problem? Who? What are some of the root causes and potential consequences of this problem?Describe, in detail, the agency-based intervention (specific intervention model), activity or service that you have developed to address this problemDescribe what the intervention is, how long it will last, who will receive the intervention, who will provide the intervention, and any other important details.This intervention/activity/service should utilize some of the community assets identified in the community assessment.Describe, in detail, the outcomes this intervention/activity/service will achieve.Critically review, summarize and cite the research literature that supports this type of intervention for the outcomes you hope to achieve.Describe the community agency that will be the most appropriate home for this intervention.What is the function of the agency? Who does the agency serve? Why is this agency a good choice for this intervention?Rubric7140 – 14 – Agency-Based Intervention7140 – 14 – Agency-Based InterventionCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, punctuation, sentence structure, appropriate use of APA, following of directions (10 references, 6 page minimum)20.0 ptsExcellentUtilizes appropriate grammar, sentence structure, APA style consistently throughout the paper; meets six page length requirement15.0 ptsExceeds basic requirementsUse of appropriate grammar, sentence structure, and APA style is mostly consistent; meets six page length requirement10.0 ptsSatisfactoryUse of appropriate grammar, sentence structure, and APA style is inconsistent; may not meet six page length requirement5.0 ptsEmergingMany inaccuracies in grammar, sentence structure, and APA style; may not meet six page length requirement0.0 ptsNot EvidentWide-scale inaccuracies in grammar, sentence structure, and APA style; does not meet six page length requirement20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription/Demographics of neighborhood20.0 ptsExcellentClearly articulates and describes neighborhood and demographics15.0 ptsExceeds basic requirementsNeighborhood and demographics stated; may lack clarity or thoroughness10.0 ptsSatisfactoryNeighborhood and demographics stated5.0 ptsEmergingNeighborhood and demographics not clearly stated or answer is incomplete0.0 ptsNot EvidentNeighborhood and/or demographics not stated20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStrengths/Assets of community30.0 ptsExcellentClearly articulates and describes strengths/assets of community thoroughly22.0 ptsExceeds basic requirementsStrengths/assets of community stated; may lack clarity or thoroughness16.0 ptsSatisfactoryStrengths/assets of community stated10.0 ptsEmergingStrengths/assets of community not clearly stated or answer is incomplete0.0 ptsNot EvidentStrengths/assets of community not stated30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem, issue, concern to be addressed in intervention30.0 ptsExcellentProblem, issue, concern to be addressed clearly articulated and described thoroughly22.0 ptsExceeds basic requirementsProblem, issue, concern to be addressed ; may lack clarity or thoroughness16.0 ptsSatisfactoryProblem, issue, concern to be addressed stated10.0 ptsEmergingProblem, issue, concern to be addressed not clearly stated or answer is incomplete0.0 ptsNot EvidentProblem, issue, concern to be addressed not stated30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDetailed description of intervention30.0 ptsExcellentDetailed description of intervention clearly articulated and described thoroughly22.0 ptsExceeds basic requirementsDetailed description of intervention stated; may lack clarity or thoroughness16.0 ptsSatisfactoryDetailed description of intervention stated10.0 ptsEmergingDetailed description of intervention not clearly stated or answer is incomplete0.0 ptsNot EvidentDetailed description of intervention not stated30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntervention Outcomes30.0 ptsExcellentIntervention outcomes clearly articulated and described thoroughly22.0 ptsExceeds basic requirementsIntervention outcomes stated; may lack clarity or thoroughness16.0 ptsSatisfactoryIntervention outcomes stated10.0 ptsEmergingIntervention outcomes not clearly stated or answer is incomplete0.0 ptsNot EvidentIntervention outcomes not stated30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Review of Literature30.0 ptsExcellentCritical review of literature clearly articulated and described thoroughly22.0 ptsExceeds basic requirementsCritical review of literature stated; may lack clarity or thoroughness16.0 ptsSatisfactoryCritical review of literature stated10.0 ptsEmergingCritical review of literature not clearly stated or answer is incomplete0.0 ptsNot EvidentCritical review of literature not stated30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppropriateness of Agency10.0 ptsExcellentAppropriateness of agency clearly articulated and described thoroughly8.0 ptsExceeds basic requirementsAppropriateness of agency stated; may lack clarity or thoroughness5.0 ptsSatisfactoryAppropriateness of agency stated3.0 ptsEmergingAppropriateness of agency not clearly stated or answer is incomplete0.0 ptsNot EvidentAppropriateness of agency not stated10.0 ptsTotal Points: 200.0PreviousNext