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Unit 3 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages not including references
For your Individual  Project assignment, you will compare and contrast a work of art in a specific classification (Renaissance or Gothic) appearing on a WEBSITE with a work of art in your TEXTBOOK of the same classification. You can choose either two Renaissance paintings, two Renaissance sculptures, or two Gothic Cathedrals to discuss (two works in total).  You may not discuss works that you have already discussed in another assignment.

1.    To begin your project, explore the following websites classifications for your individual essay.

A.    Visit the following Web sites to review Renaissance art. Links to these Web sites are available through the unit Resources List, in Course Materials.
  • The Vatican Museums
  • ArtLex – Earlier Renaissance Art
  • ArtLex – Later Renaissance Art


B.    Visit these Web sites for Gothic Cathedrals. Links to these Web sites are available through the unit Resources List, in Course Materials.
  • Chartres Cathedral
  • A Digital Archive of Architecture – High Gothic
  • Earthlore Gothic Dreams – Cathedral Architecture

2.  Write the Individual Project (3–4 pages not including references):

  • Using the terminology and concepts you are learning for evaluating art, including materials used, style, meaning, and symbolism, and any other aesthetic issues, compare and contrast ONE of the selected works from the  selected websites classification with a DIFFERENT work of art of the same classification from your TEXTBOOK . For example, compare two paintings from the Renaissance period or two gothic cathedrals. Use the following instructions to construct your paper:
  • For each of the works of art, describe and compare attributes of the works by following the guidelines below to structure your essay.

1. What is the FORM of the work?

  •  Is it a two-dimensional or three-dimensional work of art?
  • What materials are used?
  • What techniques or processes are used to create the artwork?
  • What colors are used?
  • Describe the use of line, shape, texture, value, color, and balance.

2. Does the work of art have SUBJECT MATTER?

  • If so, what is literally depicted?

3.  What is the CONTENT?

  • What does it mean or represent?
  • What is the artist’s message?
  • Is symbolism used? If so, what is the meaning?
  • What is the context of the artwork?
  • What is the function of the artwork?
  • What traditional role of the artist is exemplified?

4. Explain how the works of art fit into the context of the time period. Keep in mind that only art works that fit into the period of Middle Ages – Renaissance (created between 1350–1520 CE) will be accepted.

Note: You are required to comply with APA style format for internal citation and a reference list. For additional information and resources on APA, visit the APA section of the Library, available under “Library Features.”

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Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.  Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s):

  • Unit 3: Art: Middle Ages and the Renaissance
  • Unit 3: Middle Ages
  • Unit 3: Medieval Culture & the Early Renaissance
  • Unit 3: The Early, High and Northern Renaissance
  • Unit 3: Renaissance

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