business case study 4 6 pages new product development
4-6 pages long (12-point font, double spaced, excluding bibliography)
You are to use the timeline for this case (2011/2012) and not rely on current market facts.
using information from the case to support your analysis if applicable —they should NOT be photocopies or mere replications of exhibits from the case. Only use data and information provided in the case or during this timeframe when creating your exhibits. Refer to your exhibits in the text of your document. Exhibits can support your analysis or be developed to demonstrate your recommendations. Examples of exhibits that you create to support your case are spreadsheets, graphs, pros/cons list and demand forecast analysis. Exhibits you create should be clearly labeled and explained. You should look to create exhibits beyond the financial exhibit required for the case.
- What are the key challenges and marketing issues that must be addressed?
- Based on all the research results, what is your recommendation and rationale supported by the case facts or other sources for the product? Specifically address the 4Ps:
- What is your recommended product line up and packaging to be used? Why?
- What would your brand positioning statement be including which brand name, brand architecture? Why? Make sure to write a brand positioning statement.
- Describe your specific recommended target audience. Be specific with demos/psychos. Why? Support with facts.
- What is your recommended Pricing strategy, price point and why?
- Where will your product be distributed to what channels and why?
- What types of advertising and consumer promotions will you offer and why? Be specific and give a creative example.
- What is your sales forecast of the demand for the chocolate product using the attached template? Please include all High, Mid, Low analyses as discussed in class. You must submit this full analyses with all scenarios as attachments. Using your analysis, what does this forecast tell you about meeting financial goals and criteria as described in the case? Which scenarios meet the hurdle rate? Why?
- Why were the BASES II test results mediocre? What are the specific factors as revealed from your analysis, the financial scenarios (which are a BIG clue!) and the research that are causing the mediocre results? Describe the specific causes of the mediocre results and support your rationale with facts from the case or other research or from your learnings in class and what do you need to do to address.
- What do you recommend that the company do with this product? Launch nationally or further test and if so, what how and specifically what would they test? Be specific on what they would do and support your answers.
- You will need to back up all your recommendations with support from the case and cite the support using parenthetical citations, such as (Quelch,Badame, p.4)