edit this essay and make it perfect must have some one read i kill giants
Make this essay longer and beautiful by following the requirements. I have already 2 pages. but need you based on that correct, no matter how you correct it, just make it make sense and great.
I only write 3 body paragraphs, so you need to get some idea to add one before the counterargument paragraphs. THIS ESSAY NEED 5 QUOTES.
I could not upload I kill giants. but there is a movie has same name and similar plots. you can watch and search quotes online to use.
- An introduction that has: an attention grabber, background, and ends with a thesis.
- Thesis: Topic + comment model (You will be graded down if you write a list thesis or use “I think” or “I believe.” You will receive an “F” on the rubric for doing so.)
- Third person. No first person or “I,” or use it rarely.
- Body paragraphs that follow the PIE paragraph model (4 body paragraphs)
- A minimum of 6 paragraphs total (including your introduction and conclusion)
- A minimum of 5 quote sandwiches from the book total (paraphrases do not count; must be direct quotes with citations).
- No outside sources. All quotes should be from the book because this essay is an analysis of the book.
- Transitions with your topic sentences that are clear, provocative, and develop your thesis and provide unity in your essay!
- Analyze your quotes instead of summarizing them!
- Strong sentences that are both grammatically correct and sophisticated. Use appositives!
- A conclusion that wraps up your ideas but also pushes further.
- Follow Visual Formatting for Essays
- Use proper MLA in-text citations and Works Cited entries.
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