elearning course design elearning course multimedia piece development

Assignment 1: eLearning Course Design: eLearning Course Multimedia Piece Development

By taking advantage of…multimodal processing capability and technology-based tools, we can dramatically enhance learning and later recall through multimedia instruction.

—Stavredes & Herder (2014; pp. 98)

Consider the outcomes for your eLearning course. Which of those outcomes might be strengthened by the use of a multimedia piece? For your eLearning course you will create one multimedia piece – due during Module 4. The purpose of your multimedia piece could be content delivery, clarification, or inspiration for one of the eLearning assignments or discussions.

As Draus, Curran, and Trempus (2014, p. 244) suggest, video content can include:

  • Video welcome message at the beginning of the course
  • Video lectures related to content
  • Video discussion prompts
  • Video instructions on expectations for written assignment
  • Video messages to discuss relevant topics for the week

In addition to these elements, a multimedia piece may also include a mixture of audio, slide shows, screen capture software, images, and video or animation. Think about how each of these elements aids and supports student learning. Think how you might incorporate one or more of these ideas into your eLearning course.

For this Assignment, you will begin constructing a multimedia piece that will help participants of your eLearning course meet a course outcome and support their successful completion of the course. Note again that you will have three weeks to build your multimedia piece.

To prepare:

Read Stavredes and Herder (2014, pp. 98–114), Whiteside et al (2017, Chapters 6–9), and Martin, Wang, and Sadaf (2018) in this module’s Learning Resources and reflect on the purpose of your eLearning course. Consider what it is that course participants will be learning, and how a multimedia piece might aide their understanding and success within the course. Then, brainstorm, storyboard, and create the multimedia piece and embed it into your eLearning course. Additionally, be sure to check the “Section 508 Reference Guide” website in this module’s Learning Resources to ensure your multimedia piece meets ADA compliance standards.

Note: Your completed multimedia piece will not be submitted until Module 4. However, during Module 3 you should be writing the multimedia script, obtaining and/or recording audio clips, video clips, and graphics as well as storyboarding the presentation. Be sure that all aspects of your presentation are compliant with copyright and ADA standards.

By Day 7 of Week 7

Submit a multimedia piece for your eLearning course that:

  • Aligns with a specific outcome of the eLearning Course
  • Is between 1–3 minutes in length
  • Includes a mixture of audio, slide shows, screen capture software, images, and video or animation (Stavredes & Herder, 2014), not a single type of media
  • Meets ADA compliance standards (e.g., includes a transcript of audio podcasts or subtitles of video/screencasts, and uses text color that contrasts well with the background)

Embed or link the multimedia piece into your eLearning course. For submission, place the URL of your eLearning course along with the Assignment rubric in a document. If you did not provide closed captioning, also include the transcript as part of the document for submission.

By Day 7 of Week 7

This assignment is not due this module. You will submit it Day 7 of Week 7 (the first week of Module 4). However, now during Module 3 you should be writing the multimedia script, obtaining and/or recording audio clips, video clips, and graphics as well as storyboarding the presentation.

Note: In order for grading to take place, submitted assignments MUST include the following:

  1. Correctly formatted document naming convention (see Submission and Grading Information)
  2. Title page that follows the Writing Center course template
  3. Correct APA form and style; APA formatted in-text citations for ideas from Learning Resources
  4. Scholarly writing with proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling; future tense is used appropriately when referring to the proposed eLearning course
  5. Reference page following current APA formatting style
  6. Copy of the rubric with the Student Self-Assessment completed, including justification for the points awarded

Important: When these six items are not included in the submission, the instructor will not grade the assignment, will enter 0 points, and the assignment will be considered late – resulting in point deductions in line with the Late Policy.

The Rubric and previous assignment is attached.

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