essay about torts
It was brought to my attention that in these times, we cannot go out to look for potential “tort” violations. Do your best to try and remember a place you frequented a-lot before the COVID pandemic… maybe Starbucks, a grocery store of your favorite place to each lunch.
an explanation of (1) facts and the potential injury which may occur and the specific tort which may be involved, (2) legal elements of that tort, (3) application of those elements to the facts; (4) your potential questioning of the validity of legal defenses to that tort actions.
For example, you may notice water puddling in the bathroom. Explain how a person could slip, fall and be injured. Note that injury could trigger negligence. Specify the four elements of negligence and specifically apply the elements of the tort to the facts. Complete the analysis by examining potential defenses to the tort of negligence and why that, in your opinion, would not apply.
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