Essay and Literture review
Unit I Literature ReviewConduct a literature review of federal acts and directives that define theroles and responsibilities of disaster response. Analyze the key principlesof the National Response Plan (NRP) and the National Response Framework(NRF).Write a two-page essay of 500 words with a minimum of two references.Identify the basic premise for the NRP and the key principles of the NRF.Discuss how the NRF improved the NRP. All sources used, including thetextbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must haveaccompanying citations.Please save your file as a .docx, .doc, or .rtf file before submitting it inBlackboard.Unit I Research Paper TopicIn Unit VII, you will turn in a research paper that will analyze theoperations of the emergency operations center at one level of government andthe interface between the public and private sectors. In this unit, you willchoose the topic for your research paper.Choose a natural or man-made disaster that required the interaction oflocal, state, and federal governments and the activation of the NRF.Topic: 2008 Midwestern FloodsIn a one-page document, identify the disaster (not to exceed 10 years old),include a brief description, and describe the importance of this disaster.Format your work in APA Style (6th ed.), and upload it to Blackboard.Need original and unplagiarized work, please do not accept if cannot return quality work. Please read assignment fully