for chemtai 10

According to the assigned case study, Lawn King must develop an S&OP plan that considers the costs of inventory, overtime, hiring, and layoff (beware of stock outs). If the plan results in back orders, Lawn King will have to incur greater costs later in the year to meet demand. Analyze the case study and answer the following questions:

  1. Develop a forecast to use as a basis for Sales and Operations Planning.
  2. Develop a S&OP plan by month for fiscal year 2015. Consider the use of several different production strategies. Which strategy do you recommend? Use of Excel will greatly save time in making these plans.


  • Label your Word document as follows: yourlastname.doc (ex: Johnson.docx)
  • The paper should be at least 1,000-words
  • The paper should be APA-compliant paper comprising your response
  • Minimum 5 full pages of content (Word Document) of strategic material (does not include cover page, abstract, nor reference pages)
  • All charts, graphs, pictures are to go in the appendix (not a substitute for content)
  • The paper must provide inline citations to at least five scholarly sources supporting your paper
  • Refrain from excessive use of quotes in your response (less than 5%)
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