global health in the news

Page Limit & Formatting: 1.5-2 typed, double-spaced pages with 1” margins on all sides. Please submit this document as a Word file. If you submit a PDF I will return it to you and count it as late until you submit a version in Word.

The purpose of the Global Health in the News assignment is to encourage students to understand what’s going on right now in global health and how this affects us in the United States. The field of global health is constantly changing and evolving, so it’s only by being aware of what’s happening in the news that you can be up-to-date with what’s happening in the field.

The due date for this assignment varies, so please see the attached schedule. You must choose a global health news article published in a high quality source in the past four months. High quality sources include newspapers (e.g. New York Times, Washington Post) and news magazines (e.g. Time, the Economist). Please do not use a transcript of a television or radio news report and make sure you’re article covers a global health concern. Articles that only talk about the U.S. or aren’t about health are not acceptable.

Read the article and prepare a summary that includes these things: an APA style citation for the article, a description of the global health issue/problem discussed, a description of what is being done or could be done to address the global health issue, including any key organizations or people who are involved in addressing the issue and a conclusion that includes your reaction to the article.Please note that the summary of the article needs to be written in your own words.The article must be attached to your summary.The summary should not include more than one quote from the article reviewed.If more than one quote is included in the summary or sentences from the article are copied, the student will receive a zero for the assignment. If any other sources are used in the summary, they should be appropriately cited on a separate page.

By the day your summary is due you must turn in a copy of the article, or a hyperlink to the article, along with your summary, as described above. Please submit your assignment in TWO places. Use the assignment link to turn in the assignment. ALSO, submit your assignment to the discussion board indicated in the assignment schedule. This will allow your instructor to grade the assignment (via the assignment link) and allow your classmates to read and respond to your summary within the discussion board. Please note that this does not count as your discussion board post for the week.

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