guest speaker prep one page single spaced

Guest Speaker- Jack Bredenfoerder

Assignment: Guest Speaker Prep


  1. To investigate background of our guest speakers.
  2. To practice developing and asking thoughtful, insightful questions of retail industry practitioners, questions that will enhance your knowledge of the field.


  1. Search for information about the guest speaker’s former companies.
  2. Search for information about the guest speaker. Pay attention to experiences in the speaker’s background that relate to the fashion/retail industry and to color forecasting.
  3. Develop a list of questions relating to career matters and general color knowledge (relevant to course content). Questions should ask about information that is not obvious from publicly available information.
  4. Compose a document (one-page maximum (not including reference list), single-spaced):
    • Summarizing information about the speaker’s former companies using terminology from the course.
    • Summarizing information about the speaker’s background using terminology from the course.
    • Listing your questions.

Grading: Each Guest Speaker Prep is worth 10 points.


Excellent (10)

Acceptable (8)

Unacceptable (6)

Company & speaker background

Summary of speaker’s & company’s background informative and includes recent news

Summary of speaker’s & company’s background adequate

Summary of speaker’s & company’s background uninformative


Questions highly relevant to course

Questions fairly relevant to course

Questions not very relevant to course


Document is concise and professional and does not exceed one page.

Document is somewhat concise and professional and does not exceed one page.

Document is not concise/professional and/or exceeds one page.

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