history essay 169

TOPIC- BLACK LIVES MATTER- Present in this layout

1. List at least three primary and at least three reputable secondary sources that you will use for your Core Assignment. They should be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style ( https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html ). Note that they should be in bibliographic form, which is slightly different from footnote form.

Jstor.org is a good resource for finding reputable secondary sources, and even includes pre-formatted citations. Primary sources will vary according to your choice of subject, but some are included in the weekly folders on Blackboard.

2. Write the first paragraph of your Core Assignment. Your paragraph should include a thesis statement explaining the interpretive lens through which to view the sources you selected. An example of a good thesis statement would be “Views of Theodore Roosevelt’s masculinity were closely tied to his foreign policy” or “The present Democratic Party is different in crucial regards from that of the past.” Crucially, both of these statements are arguable – in other words, some historians might agree with them, and others might not. You will ultimately use the sources you provided in the previous assignment to provide evidence for your thesis statement.

3. Select three quotations from primary or reputable secondary sources that buttress the argument you made in your Thesis Statement assignment. For each quotation, include a correctly formatted, Chicago-style (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html ) footnote and bibliographic entry (which may be the same as the bibliographic entries from your previous assignment).

4. Write the second paragraph of your core assignment. This paragraph should use quotations from at least one primary source and at least one reputable secondary source to buttress its main point, which in turn should buttress the overall argument from your thesis statement.

5. Write the third paragraph of your core assignment. This paragraph should use quotations from at least one primary source and at least one reputable secondary source to buttress its main point, which in turn should buttress the overall argument from your thesis statement.

6. Write the fourth paragraph of your core assignment. This paragraph should use quotations from at least one primary source and at least one reputable secondary source to buttress its main point, which in turn should buttress the overall argument from your thesis statement.

7. Write the conclusion to your argument. It should reiterate how the claims made in the previous three paragraphs buttress your original thesis statement.

8. Combine your introductory, supporting and concluding paragraphs into a single essay. Incorporate any revisions suggested in feedback.

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