
Stylistic AnalysisYou have two options for the final project. One is an analytical paper and the other a more creative-based project in the form of a portfolio.Salient techniques are those used predominantly within the film to tell the narrative. These techniques are used to create patterns and form audience expectations. Stylistic analysis requires scholars to examine the formalistic techniques within films and how these techniques contribute to the structure and overall meaning of the film.In week 15 we will read Chapter 10, in which Lewis provide a model for formalistic analysis. You will turn in your own stylistic analysisTo complete the assignment you will need to do the following:·      Choose one film (from class or one outside – if outside, get approval from your instructor)·      Look for 2 techniques (and only 2!) that dominate the film’s visual storytelling·      Review formalistic analysis provided in Corrigan’s “Approaches to Film”·      Follow the Stylistic Analysis model provided by Lewis in Essential Cinema, Ch. 10All essays should be·      4-6 pages. Anything less than 4 FULL pages will automatically receive a D.·      Double-Spaced, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins·      Should include at least one citation from the book. All citations should be in MLA format. For guidance visit Purdue’s OWL website: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/·      The essay should be proofread and read like a narrative. It should include a concise thesis, a body of analysis to support your thesis, and a conclusion, as well as transitions between sections.List of the filmLego Movie (Lord and Miller, 2014)Paper Heart (Janosevic, 2009)Fargo (Coen, 1996)2 Days in New York (Delpy, 2012)The Grand Budapest Hotel (Anderson, 2014)Seven (Fincher, 1995)Atonement (Wright, 2007)Submarine (Ayoade, 2010)Silence of the Lambs (Demme, 1991)Dazed and Confused (Linklater, 1993)Crank (Neveldine and Taylor, 2006)Virgin Suicides (Coppola, 1999)Amelie (Jeunet, 2001)

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