
This week’s discussionPick one topic that you need references for to write your synthesis paper. Utilizing ProQuest, ERIC, and Google Scholar, please enter the one topic in the search box, evaluating the various features of the search engine. Which did you prefer? Explain why and discuss your experience navigating the three search engines. Please be thorough in your answer regarding your experience, noting specific examples.This week’s assignmentPrepare the Annotated Bibliography section in your paper. For minimum sources for your paper, find 4 scholarly articles and 2 websites – this would be 6 sources. For full points on the final paper, have 6 scholarly articles and 3 websites, a total of 9 sources. As per your Shell, your Annotated Bibliography section will be added after the Reference section with the heading of, “Annotated Bibliography”. Submit the entire document/shell. However, only the Annotated Bibliography will be graded in this module.Reminder of Proper Format: The Annotated Bibliography is a different section than the Reference section. There are two parts to the Annotated Bibliography: 1. The reference in APA format, with hanging paragraph indentation.  2. Immediately following each reference, you will need a paragraph describing the contents of the source – this is the annotated portion, it is a short 3 sentence summary of the source. This entire paragraph should be indented .5 inches as a block paragraph. The entire annotated bibliography should be double-spaced, per APA format. Do not add extra space between references.Assignment ExpectationsLength: N/AStructure: Submit with shell intact, complete the Annotated Bibliography section and review and make corrections to thethesis/introduction sectionReferences: Minimum a total of 6 (six) sources (at least 4 journal articles and 2 websites) all formatted in APA style with annotation attached for each source, go above this requirement to 9 sources total for full points on the final.This week’s reading materialLearning MaterialsAmerican Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Read Chapters 9, 10, & pages 307-308.

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