Integrated Services
Integrated Family Court – Chapter 5
Integrated Family Court – Chapter 5 Program Transcript
On-screen Graphic: Integrated Family Court – Chapter 5
On-screen Graphic: John has appeared with his lawyer in court and is surprised to hear Chahana tell the judge that she is withdrawing her complaint and wants to drop the charges. She sees that the children are unhappy without their father, and she sees their behavior is reflecting their distress.
On-screen Graphic: The judge confirms that Chahana was not being coerced, and agrees to a conditional discharge, based on John’s past clean record.
On-screen Visual: John is seated across from the HSP in an office.
HSP: Good Morning Again John. It is very good to see you, and in such a good mood.
JOHN: I feel great…for the first time in a long time actually.
HSP: You definitely should feel good, but there are some additional things that we need to talk about regarding the case being dismissed.
HSP: The judge has implemented some conditions on the dismissal of the charges. The first of those being that your family will need to seek some additional services. You will need to comply with a review in 6 months to determine if the children’s well-being is in good order.
JOHN: We can definitely do that. Like I said before, whatever it takes to get my family back.
HSP: In addition to that review instituted by the court, your Child Services worker will also keep an open file on your case for the next six months. During this time this person has the right to visit your home at any time even without notice.
JOHN: I understand that as well.
HSP: Eventually your restraining order will be lifted and at that time you can return home.
JOHN: I cannot wait to get back into my home again.
© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. 1
Integrated Family Court – Chapter 5
HSP: Slow down. It isn’t that easy John. Chahana has not officially dropped the separation order yet, but is willing to meet with you about the family’s future. She has expressed interest in going to couples’ therapy if you are willing to reconsider some of your commitments outside of the home. You and your family are going to need a considerable amount of counseling John. Not just therapy for your marriage, but also counseling for the children.
JOHN: This all makes sense. I am willing to make the changes needed to keep my family together. To that point, I wanted to talk with you about possibly finding somebody to help Chahana with the boys, especially my youngest son.
HSP: I can definitely help you look into available resources for that as well. We can certainly talk about options in our next meeting.
JOHN: That is much appreciated. Even if it is just some help while I’m at school during the day, I think it would be helpful.
HSP: Actually John, that is the final thing I wanted to address with you today. You will need to reconnect with the administration at your school. There is no guarantee that your position is still available, but with the charges being dropped, I think you have a better chance of returning to work there.
JOHN: I plan to call them as soon as we finish up here this morning.
HSP: Good! Please call or email me following that conversation so that I can help plan for the next steps.
JOHN: I sure will. Thank you for all your help over the past few months. I know there is a lot of work ahead for me and my family, but it just feels great knowing that I have a chance to save everything.
HSP: That is a great outlook. Please call me between now and our next meeting with any questions or concerns. I will be in touch with any new information that I hear. Have a great day and remember to call me after you speak with your employer.
JOHN: I definitely will. Thanks again!
HSP: (Internal Thinking) – I really think that with the new agenda we have set and the network of inter-professional HSPs, we’ll be able to meet the new challenges and needs for this family. I look forward to see the family’s growth until John’s final discharge. I see reason for hope amidst a lot of work in the coming months and years, but I’m glad that things were resolved in the fashion they were.
Fade to Black
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Integrated Family Court – Chapter 5
Integrated Family Court – Chapter 5 Additional Content Attribution
Creative Support Services Los Angeles, CA
Dimension Sound Effects Library Newnan, GA
Narrator Tracks Music Library Stevens Point, WI
Signature Music, Inc. Chesterton, IN
Studio Cutz Music Library Carrollton, TX
© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. 3
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