Integrative Learning Project—Background Research (ONE PAGE ESSAY)

For this assignment it will be helpful to look at the research literature in your area of ILP interest. The goal is to find out what information is available on the topic. Having some knowledge about your issue, possible root causes, strategies for making some progress toward your goal, can greatly improve your outcomes. Trying to make change without understanding causes and solutions can be very slow and ineffective, random, haphazard. It is like trying to operate a new piece of equipment with no instructions, very inefficient. Other people have worked on these issues, studied these issues, and that provides a roadmap. Seeing what is known about the issue, current knowledge and theories, and what people have done to get from current to desired state, will increase efficiency and effectiveness. This is an important part of the problem solving process – seeing what is already known. Why reinvent the wheel when there is so much information out there already (and there is also a lot of potentially misleading, inaccurate, self-serving information out there – so discrimination is required as well).Goal: Please share some ideas (ideally 2-3+) that you found in your ILP background research. These can be ideas related to the prevalence (how common), the root causes, and strategies for working on the issue (like how to quit smoking or improve sleep). To be most useful, include the link to the idea you are referring to, so anyone who is interested in that topic can find the information for themselves. This is a way for you to learn and for all of us to help each other do even better with our change projects (me included).So do this:1. List your topic THEME so people who are interested in that theme can get ideas.2. Go to the ‘Resources’ section and use the various sources listed to find useful information3. List 2-3+ ideas that you found helpful (a brief synopsis) and include links to that information. If it is from a book, list the title, author, and specific pages4. Respond to someone’s findings, ideally in a theme topic related to yoursResponses will probably be a paragraph or two. Try to respond to forum posts early in the week.

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