java online exam helping 1
- The exam will take place on Mimir (just like all Problems of the Week)
- You will be able to access the exam 5 minutes before the official start of the exam
- You will need an internet connection and a computer
- The exam is 3 hours (180 minutes) in length. The exam will open at 11:55am (ADT) on April 8, 2020, and will close at 3:05pm (ADT).
- If you have accommodations for writing exams, these will be reflected in your exam settings.
- If you encounter issues entering Mimir, please let the course instructor know immediately either via Teams or email.
- Please complete five (5) of the following six (6) problems.
- The exam should be written in Mimir. Do not use an IDE and then copy and paste into Mimir as this will be considered a suspicious behaviour. This rule is similar to the practicum rule in CSCI 1110.
- The exam will be monitored in that
- All key strokes are automatically recorded by Mimir
- Invigilators will be spot checking activity during the exam – Full playback of the exam is available
- All exams will be reviewed by the course instructor
- The exam is open book. You are permitted access to
- Your course notes
- All code that you have written previously
- Any books that you have at the time of writing
- You are NOT permitted to
- Perform web searches or get help from the Internet
- Receive assistance from any other person either locally or remotely
- To take any other unfair advantage of the situation
- The solutions to the problems in the exam may be written in pseudo code. If you write the solutions in Java, you can test to see if your solution is correct. However, you are not required to write Java code to get full marks.
- To ask questions in the exam, email the instructor or use the private chat feature in Teams. Please do NOT post your questions in the Teams public discussion forum. The course instructor will either reply to you directly, or provide feedback in Mimir, which you should see right away.
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