Mixed Methods

Develop a hypothetical research scenario that would necessitate the use of any approach and design utilized for mixed methods examinations. The quantitative methods aspects can be either experimental or quasi-experimental researchIt should include the following elements:Research QuestionsDevelop one quantitative research question and one central qualitative research question. A research question should adhere to the following guidelines: (a) formation of question or questions are based on theory, previous research (i.e., the literature review), and experience; (b) stated in the form of a question; and (c) are focused and clear (i.e., specific and feasible).Quantitative. Specify the specific variables to test (e.g., What is the relationship between the perception of the new educational initiative and job satisfaction?).Qualitative. Specify a concise open-ended question that begins with what or how and use verbs such as discover, explore, or understand. Example: (central question) How did the employees respond to the new educational initiative? (subquestion) What were the employees’ experiences with the initiative?Mixed method. Specify an explicit question so that the data can be analyzed to address the specific mixed method design chosen. For example, if a triangulation approach with a convergence design was chosen then the question would be, “To what extent does the quantitative and qualitative data converge? How and why?”Approach and DesignIn 2-3 sentences describe the approach and design that will be used to answer the research questions and create the appropriate diagram. Example: An explanatory-sequential approach and a follow-up explanations design will be utilized to answer the stated research questions as seen in Figure 1.See attached

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