need help in information technology project practical connection assignment

To complete this assignment, You need to think about the research process, the benefit of this research process to you, your corporation or to your future job. How this process of research will help you position yourself in any future setting and make you a shining star. Think of the positive world-view.

submit your paper with supporting sources, citation and references, state the following:

4.1.- Why did your (group) selected the topic (40 words).– Topic name is Cloud Computing and its Impact on work place

4.2.- What are the major contributions of this project “To your organization” (45 words).

4.3.- Can you use this process of research in a corporate setting (35 words)?

4.4.- How can you use the bibliography to further understand the benefit of your research. (35 words).

4.5.- State the summary of your finding (50 words).

4.6.- Indicate the need for future research (50 words)

4.7.- State your conclusion (50 Words).

so please complete only below sections 4.5 and 4.6 and Topic name is Cloud Computing and its Impact on work place

4.5.- State the summary of your finding (50 words).

4.6.- Indicate the need for future research (50 words)

attached is the sample

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