Nursing Graduate Level – Discussion Post – Apa


APA IN TEXT CITATION – Chosen article to older than 5 years. Minimal references is 2.

This discussion board content is intended to facilitate learning for students through engaging dialogues as they achieve the desired learning outcomes/competencies associated with their course in a manner that empowers them to organize, integrate, apply and critically appraise their knowledge to their selected field of practice.

The use of discussions provides students with opportunities to contribute graduate level-appropriate knowledge and experience to the topic in a safe, caring, and fluid environment that models professional and social interaction. The ebb and flow of a discussion is based upon the composition of student and faculty interaction in the quest for relevant scholarship.

Participation in the discussion generates opportunities for students to actively engage in the written ideas of others by carefully reading, researching, reflecting, and responding to the contributions of their peers and course faculty. Discussions foster the development of members into a community of learners as they share ideas and inquiries, consider perspectives that may be different from their own, and integrate knowledge from other disciplines.

Assignment Requirements 

1. Please go to a lay press newspaper, for example, The Washington Post, The New York Times, or other national publication.

2.   Locate an article that has global health implications, such as malaria, untreated strep throat or other infectious diseases in developing countries.  Other topic areas may address environmental global health issues, for example, safe water, sanitation, or oral health.

3. After you locate and read over the article, respond to the following prompt:

· During NR503, we have discussed the web of causation, epidemiological triangle, inter-professional collaboration and various other concepts related to population health and epidemiology.  In responding to your chosen article in this week’s discussion board be sure to synthesize, integrate, these course concepts as well as other terminology found in weekly modules (examples: Primary, secondary and tertiary / mortality / morbidity / community health / rate / population) . For example, integrate into your writing information from the World Health Organization and the SDG’s or include social justice theory into your article analysis.  The specific focus is up to you, but be sure to compare and contrast, integrate and think critically, as you present your discussion board post.

4. Your post should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs with 4-5 sentences per paragraph.

5. Your initial post should include a minimum of two (2) scholarly articles which would not include your course text, which is also permitted to be used.

6. Reply posts should include a scholarly reference and be a minimum of one (1) paragraph, 4-5 sentences.

7. A scholarly tone should be maintained throughout all posts.

8. A link to the article using APA should be included.


· The student actively stimulates and sustains inquiry by making reflective insightful comments, asking thoughtful questions and/or engaging in a scholarly discussion.

· The student expresses a clear idea of the topic under discussion and sustains inquiry in order to explore relevant issues.

· The student recognizes values or values conflict as things that form the assumption basis of arguments and recognizes when it is important to acknowledge these values.

· The student recognizes the accuracy, logic, relevance, or clarity of statements.

· The student asks clarifying questions and knows when clarifying questions need to be asked.

· The student distinguishes fact from opinion.

· All components of discussion prompt addressed (met) in  initial  posting.

· The student’s writing conveys an understanding of significant ideas relevant to the issue under discussion. This is indicated by integration of course and weekly objectives, as well as readings from text and articles.

· All posts should make correct use of terminology, precise selection of the pieces of information required to make a point, correct and appropriate use of examples and counterexamples, demonstrations of which distinctions are important to make, and explanations that are concise and to the point.

· Information and knowledge are accurate.

· The student elaborates statements with accurate explanations, reasons, or evidence from the course and/or weekly objectives.

· All postings integrate scholarly sources to support points consistently.

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