persoanl growth discussion

Psychology homework help
persoanl growth discussion

Psychological Disorders and Mental health

Abnormal behavior

· How would you define abnormal behavior?

· At what point does abnormal behavior become an illness?

· How do we define mental illness?

The medical model and Abnormal behavior

· Medical Model

· Proposes that it’s useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease

· The Medical Model has produced many terms we use in abnormal psychology

· Mental Illness

· Psychological Disorder

· Psychopathology

· Psychotic manifestation of the disease

· Because of the medical model we have diagnosis

· Distinguishing one illness from another

· We understand the etiology

· Causation and developmental history of an illness

· We are able to give a prognosis

· Forecast about probable course of an illness

· I use interventions based in the theory of the medical model every day in clinical practice

· The Medical Model is progressive in comparison to past theories

· Superstition

· Possession

· Witches

The Medical Model and Abnormal Behavior

· Viewing patients as victims of an illness

· Created a new understanding of abnormal behavior

· Shifted view of patients from fear and hatred to sympathy and compassion

· This changed the way abnormal behavior was treated

· Past burning at the stake (witches) or Exorcism

· Mental asylums

· By creating labels for abnormal behavior ie; mental illness

· We are better able to identify and treat the needs of a patient

· Is there harm in viewing abnormal behavior or abnormal psychology as an illness?

· Thomas Szasz The Myth of Mental Illness (1974)

· “disease of illness can affect only the body; hence there can be no mental illness…Minds can be sick only in the sense that jokes are sick or economies are sick (1974).

· Abnormal behavior is a deviation from social norms, not an illness

· Problems in living, not medical problems

What is abnormal behavior

· Deviance

· Behavior deviates from what society considers to be acceptable

· Maladaptive

· Impairment in every day adaptive behavior

· Key criterion in diagnosis of substance abuse disorders

· Personal distress

· Individual report of personal distress as a result of the behavior

· My anxiety keeps me from engaging in social functions that I want to be a part of

· Defining abnormal behavior is very helpful in understanding how to treat it

· This definition and using it as an approach is not perfect

· It relies heavily on self report

· It relies on a value judgment of what constitutes normal or acceptable

· It can be highly subjective

· The dichotomy of abnormal vs normal is to simplistic

· As we have learned in this class, behavior often exists on a spectrum like many other things

Anxiety Disorders

· Generalized Anxiety Disorder

· Phobic Disorder

· Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

· Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

· Etiology (Causes)

· Biology

· Conditioning and Learning

· Cognitive Factors

· Stress

Mood Disorders

· Major Depressive Disorder

· Bipolar Disorder (I & II)

· Often misrepresented in the media, society (“she’s so bipolar”)

· Dysthymia

· Etiology

· Genetics

· Neurochemicals

· Norepinephrine and serotonin

· Cognitive Factors

· Interpersonal Factors

· Stress

Psychological Disorders and Mental Health

· These are just some examples of the ways in which behavior or individual psychology can be abnormal

· By understanding mental illness we can better predict outcomes and plan treatment

· Understanding illness paves the way to creating health

· Mental Health is as important as medical health

· Some would insist that mental health is the same as medical health


Mental Health Stigma?

· Before we begin learning about psychotherapy, take a moment to ask yourself:

· What do you think about someone who goes to therapy?

· What does it mean if a couple is in couple’s counseling?

· How do you feel about someone who has a severe mental illness?

· What do you think therapy is like? What are your expectations of therapy?

· There has long been a negative stigma associated with therapy and those with mental illness

· We often mislabel people (crazy, bipolar, etc.)

· If you go to therapy, you must be messed up

· If your relationship needs counseling, it’s too late

· We often fear what we don’t understand

· There are many misconceptions about mental illness and mental health diagnosis

What is therapy?

· The textbook describes research estimating over 400 different types of therapy!

· Therapy is: meeting with a trained professional to address mental, relational, and emotional concerns

· Insight therapy

· Behavior therapy

· Biomedical therapy

· Psychotherapy is: “talk therapy”

· Trained Professionals

· Psychologist

· Psychiatrist

· Social Worker

· Licensed Professional Counselor

· Marriage and Family Therapist

Insight Therapy

· Psychoanalysis

· Developed by Freud

· Focusing on unconscious, defense mechanisms

· Internal conflicts between id, ego, and superego from previous chapter (2)

· Free association

· Client spontaneously expresses their thoughts and feelings as they occur with no filter (word vomit)

· This is what we typically think of when we think of therapy

· Client laying on therapist’s couch, therapist is guiding client through exploration of unresolved conflicts

Client Centered Therapy

· Carl Rogers

· Humanistic perspective

· Also known as person-centered therapy

· A form of insight therapy that emphasizes the importance of the client

· Pace and direction of therapy follows client’s emotional comfort and safety

Group Therapy

· Group therapy helps people find others to share in a common experience

· Normalize struggle

· Gain strength through support

· Open forum for discussion

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Divorce Recovery

Behavioral Therapy

· Identify problematic behavior, learn and reinforce new, more adaptive behavior

· Reinforce desired behavior

· Most common is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

· Focuses on connection between thoughts, feelings, actions

· By changing one element, you change all

Biomedical therapy

· We discussed the BioPsychoSocial model of illness earlier

· Problems come from biological factors, in addition to psychological and social factors

· Biomedical therapy includes physiological interventions

· Medication

· Treatment of anxiety, depression, psychosis, mood disorder

· Coordination of care with mental health practitioner and medical professional

· Psychiatrist, Primary Care Doctor, Nurse Practitioner

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