
How, according to Gill, do some philosophers argue that the moral foundations of the medical profession prohibit physicians from assisting in a patient’s suicide? How does Gill respond?What are the social attitudes toward suicide that Callahan mentions? Do you think these attitudes are appropriate? Even if they are, do you think that would show that something is wrong with suicide? Explain your answers.Callahan worries that legalized PAS gives physicians too much power to kill patients, including influencing patient decisions in wrongful ways. What reasons can you think of that a physician might have for doing this? Do you think it is plausible that this could be a widespread concern? Explain.Describe a few proposed approaches to global warming that Lomborg believes are problematic and explain why he thinks they’re problematic. Do you agree with Lomborg that these approaches are in fact problematic? Why or why not? Lastly, which approach do you consider the most viable and effective, and why?What are the four goals Baxter proposes in order to develop a solution to the problems of human organization? Which of these goals do you find most compelling, and which do you find least compelling. Why?

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