Research Question (Draft 2)
Based on instructor feedback, edit your submission and resubmit for further feedback.Requirements:1. You may not use first or second person.2. Your grammar, spelling, and punctuation should be flawless. Visit the Liberty University writing centers if you want extra help: Use the Research Question Assignment Model when you do either stage of this assignment.4. Week 3: The second time you submit a draft for this assignment, pay close attention to instructor feedback and incorporate that into your own personal revisions of your topic, research question, and other elements of the model. Select “Track Changes” in Microsoft Word before you begin editing, and submit your second draft with the changes showing.Additional Suggestions:1. Avoid gun control, marijuana legalization, abortion, homosexual marriage, and other charged political or moral topics unless you have a unique/narrow way to study them that’s never been studied before (which will be difficult).2. Remember, even though interdisciplinary research topics are often broader than the average research topic, you need to narrow a lot. A student who begins with the topic “the healthiest foods to eat” could narrow it down to “breakfast foods that lead to higher energy levels” to “whether eating eggs for breakfast increases daily energy levels for women over age 80.” When you think you’ve narrowed enough, narrow your topic more.3. Using the reading from Nissani, measure your combination to determine whether it truly is interdisciplinary.