ritz carlton case study 1
Case #5: Ritz Carlton
– What is Ritz-Carlton’s business strategy? Who are their primary customers?
– Among customers, what accounts for Ritz-Carlton’s reputation as a high—quality hotel? How is
quality defined by customers?
– How is quality defined within Ritz-Carlton? Does the DQPR data in the ritz.xls spreadsheet
indicate any significant quality problems?
– If you were to select a category of defect to address from the DQPR data, which category would
you address first? Why?
– For the defect category you selected, consider the process that generates the defects. Generate
hypotheses about the possible root causes of the defect and potential solutions.
**** All case write ups shall be written using Ariel font, double-spaced,
11 pt. font, normal margins. Individual write-ups shall be a maximum of 3 pages, not including any charts, graphs, etc.