
Write thoughtful 500-word response papers on the attached readings

The papers should include the following:

• What is the author’s main argument?

• What are the key assumptions?

• Is the argument logically consistent?

Write most of your paper on the following points:

• How are the selected readings connected? Find common elements in all the readings.

• What important elements of comparative politics are discussed in the readings?

• How do the readings fit into the course as a whole? (This is critical part of the paper, make sure you write enough to show as many connections and also emphasize the differences between the articles.)


Examples: Laitin (2007) argues that…./ “…..”(Laitin 2007:50)

1. Don’t start with article title ,is not required . Start with Author’s name.

2. Mention the year after the author name For example: Laitin (2007)

3. If you use direct quote mention the page #

How the paper should be:

1. Paragraph 1 / Briefly introduce each article

2. paragraphs 2,3,4

3. paragraph 5/ Conclusion

( read and foloow the reading guide on the attched paper)

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