senior seminar poster board
Choose a research paper that interests you. It’s best to choose a paper that parallels your area of interest for future graduate study.(pharmacy, medicine or research related)
Read, a nd fully comprehend, your paper! If after full investigation, you decide that your paper is too basic, or too complicated, you may go back and choose a different paper..
•Using a single Microsoft PowerPoint slide, you will create a research poster highlighting the main points of your selected research paper.
•Many templates are available to make the design process simple and each. Please choose a template,
rather than starting from scratch– this will save a great deal of time, and will more than likely produce better results.
•Your poster should contain the following content areas:
Materials and Methods
An Abstract section is not standard on a poster, but you may find that it helps you to introduce
your topic, so you may include it if needed Important
pictures, tables, and graphs, should be included to enhance your poster, and the quality of
your poster presentation.
Hints for poster creation can be found at the following website:…
You must NOT represent the research of the authors of your paper as your own! The
authors listed on your poster should be the original authors of your paper, not yourself! You may
include yourself as the preparer of the poster in the “Acknowledgements†section. The following
disclaimer should also be included in the Acknowledgements section: “This research poster was created for instructional purposes only. It was not authorized or endorsed by the original authors of the chosen paper. This poster will never be represented as theoriginal work of the student who prepared it.â€