In about 1000 words, write a persuasive argumentative essay defending your position in order to argue for your particular stance on this issue. Other than providing supporting arguments for the position you take on this issue, you MUST anticipate objections and provide counterarguments to write the paper. Relevant information for you to gather would be:
ï‚· Definition of online betting
ï‚· Issues (moral, ethical, social and etc.) surrounding the government allowing the two lottery operators to offer online betting
 Arguments for upholding the government’s decision to allow the two lottery operators to offer online betting
 Arguments against upholding the government’s decision to allow the two lottery operators to offer online betting
Scope : (Critical Reading), (Summary, Paraphrase, Quotation),(Synthesizing) and (Synthesizing Sources).
ï€ Cite sources in writing using the proper citation and referencing style.
ï€ Evaluate information critically from various sources to respond to a task.
ï€ Synthesise information from various sources in writing in response to a given task.
ï€ Develop a rhetorical structure of an essay.
ï€ Apply persuasive argumentative writing strategies in response to a given task