sociology assignment
3 full pagesSocioautobiography AssignmentYour socioautobiography assignment is due this week. The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply the sociological imagination to your everyday life: to make connections between your everyday life and the broad sociocultural structures within which you live. In this assignment, you will reference appropriate Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) that relate to your socioautobiography. You can find the TCOs in this course listed in the Syllabus and in the weekly objectives. This assignment can be related to any and all of the TCOs.The Socioautobiography is a reflective paper that allows you the opportunity to explore the interconnections between biography (a slice of your life), the social structure, and culture. In preparation for this paper, please read Socioautobiography Guidelines posted in Doc Sharing for detailed assignment instructions and grading rubric.