strategic management 4 short answer questions

  • How might a company configure its corporate governance systems and its strategy-making processes to reduce the probability that managers will pursue their own self-interest (agency behavior) at the expense of stockholders?
  • In a public corporation, should the CEO of the company also be allowed to be the chairman of the board (as allowed for by the current law)? What problems might this present?
  • What is the relationship among organizational structure, control systems, incentives, and culture? Give some examples of when and under what conditions a mismatch among these components might arise?
  • How would you design structure, controls, incentives, processes, and culture to encourage entrepreneurship in a large, established corporation? How might the desire to encourage entrepreneurship influence your hiring and management strategy?

All essays should be your own words, not cited from any other materials including the textbook. The length of your essay per each question should be about one (1) page, double-spaced, per question.

please put each question above its answer.

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