sustainable approach to construction class power point presentation


I need help in my “Sustainable Approach to Construction” class. It’s about:-

– Why is your site/building Sustainable or Why is it not Sustainable?

– How can your site/building be more sustainable?

  • Preferably Pick any Commercial Building, Residential High-rise can be accepted..For this part, due to corona various panic You are Not required to conduct a site visit. Feel free to pick your home, unit or any space will be acceptable. You surely can USE your current home (the one you reside in during the quarantine) for the project?
  • Projects can be either a Construction site or an Existing Building…
  • You Should visit the site/building and take pictures. In case this is not possible, for whatever reason, please use your current building/space/unit/home, etc.
  • Prepare a 8-10 minute presentation
  • The Goal of the Project is to:
  • Apply the basic principles of sustainable construction on buildings by

    1. Proposing bold solutions that advance sustainable building performance and/or

    2. Applying existing tools of sustainable strategies to buildings

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