thematic integration of faith and learning paper 4
Write a thematic integration of faith and learning concept paper using a well-rounded approach to the concepts found in the course texts and current scholarly literature. This paper must be submitted in compliance with the instructions found in the Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper Grading Rubric. You must fully leverage the discussion opportunity in Discussion Board Forum 3 in order to research and outline your approach for this assignment.
The paper must contain the following components:
- A 3–5-page overview that defines the course as an academic field of study (significance of the course to business)
- A 3–5-page discussion of the top 5–8 questions you believe are critical in order to demonstrate that a student who completes this course can synthesize the key concepts of continuous improvement and propose strategies for improving an organization using recognized quality management tools and best practices
- A 3–5-page discussion that integrates the concepts from the Keller (2012) text into a cohesive understanding of why quality management and productivity are significant for advancing God’s purposes for business on earth
- A minimum of 5 references in addition to the course texts
For this course, the concept of stewardship is especially important. As Van Duzer (2010) posited, a steward is really a trustee of God’s creation. Duby (2009) adds the following:
Stevens (2006) observes that Adam and Eve were given the role of stewards who had “the wonderful role of representing the absent monarch’s interests†(p. 6). As stewards, followers of God act as trustees that are to develop and to serve the “unfolding kingdom†of creation (Roels, 1990, p. 27). Further, Roels contends that if one believes that his or her business plays an important role in God’s kingdom, then an important concern is to best determine how to be God’s steward in such business endeavors.
Understanding this important role is critical to understanding God’s intentions for business. Thus, in this assignment, the student will link the concept of biblical stewardship to quality management and process improvement, noting how such concepts are tangible manifestations of good stewardship.
In Module 1, the presentation addresses the need for those in quality management to see the big picture: that we are called to be regents of our God in every human activity.
In Module 4, the presentation builds on this foundation, noting that as regents we are stewards of all that God gives us, and as stewards, we seek the best uses for the resources entrusted to us—including our desire to be productive and to produce quality. Consider these ideas as you develop your paper.
Submit your Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper through the provided SafeAssign link by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module 4/Week 8.
Duby, D. (2009). The greatest commandment: The foundation for biblical servant leadership.
Liberty Business Review, 7, 52–57. Retrieved from
Van Duzer, J. (2010). Why business matters to God: And what still needs to be fixed. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic. ISBN: 9780830838882.