
The purpose of the materials and methods section is to explain your research in such detail that it could be repeated by another group of scientists and their results would be identical to yours. The results are a detailed summary of your data that was collected during the experiment. These sections in all scholarly papers are written in paragraph form and do not include any bullet point lists. It is also written in the past tense and formally. There will be less in text citations in this section in comparison to the lit review and the conclusion but they are NOT optional. If you are using someone else’s idea or information that is not common knowledge you MUST cite the source. These sections do not include background information. If you find yourself writing about anything other than materials and methods used it need to go in either you lit review or conclusion. It is purely the recipe of the research paper.

First you must identify

  • Independent variable (there will only be one)
  • Dependent variables (you will need 2 at least)
  • Variables you will control for
  • Control Group
  • Experimental group


Includes a comprehensive list of all the materials needed for the experiment including

  • The number of subjects and the inclusion criteria
  • Units of measurement


Includes a step by step details account of the techniques used to collect data written in the past tense

Justifies the use of each technique used to collect valid data


For this assignment 2 visual aids that illustrate your data collected are required

The visuals must be relevant to your research and must be created through your hypothetical study (you can’t use someone else’s data)

Chart, tables or graphs are acceptable and must include

  • A title
  • Labeled x and y axis
  • Correct units of measurement
  • Logical choice of measurement and units

After each visual a description of each follows. The description details the chart so that someone could recreate the chart without seeing it.

Examples of how to start this section

  • To investigate the correlation between
  • To confirm the presence of
  • To identify the cause of
  • How diagnosis cholera
  • Cholera in different areas
  • Compare Cholera rate now and before
  • Blood text

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