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1250 word and there is a data which I will send it to you to apply on the case studies
And for the cases explain each of them and apply the data then chose one and focus on it just recommend one case of the three 
Find the. Data bellow
Can u tell the writer to write a comment about the data
And first 100 words about the charity he will choose

These some tips about the paper

I don’t understand anything, what we have to do?

Read through the answers below, in particular the summary.

What charity should I choose?

For a start, a new one.
The ‘charity’ theme, for this assignment, is a tool to get you to focus on a particular type of organisation. However you’re supposed to be a consultant for a new one. How to do this?…

Go online to a site such as http://www.charitychoice.co.uk (160,000 UK charities listed), look for something that interests you and visit that organisation’s web site. That may give you the information and inspiration for your own version.

What operations and processes are we looking for?

You should be trying to understand how charities work, not in detail, just enough to be able to describe what your charity does, and to be able to talks about how the SAP software would help.

What are the ‘applications’?

You have (theoretically) carried out three exercises. Although there is some crossover each exercise is in a different functional area. So the three applications are: Financial, Supply Chain Management, and Marketing.

Obviously the exercise only covers a limited area of the application (e.g. General Ledger), but you should be able to use that as a basis for discovering more.

How can I found out more then?

Well, you could visit sap.com and read about the modules in their high-end products (SAP R/3, SAP ERP,…). That’s a huge task but might be useful. The product you used is called SAP Business ByDesign. It’s integrated rather than modular but you may find something useful there too.

Also check lecture handouts, books etc.

Do I need to reference?

You’re looking at online content about charities, and ERP systems, so yes. Harvard please.

What do I do with these screenshots?

First, we use the screenshots as evidence that you have carried out the exercises. In part that’s also why you are asked to add your login name or initials to some parts of the exercise (e.g. response options Yes LAO, No LAO, Maybe LAO).

Secondly this is how you gain a basic feeling of how SAP works. Also it’s more than giving us a bunch of images, as you need to annotate the screenshots.

The screenshots become a part of the report document that you submit. I would suggest that these are three appendices.

Word count?

Up to 1250 words for your evaluation, which includes description of charity (max. 100)

If you’re overshooting explore how you might use an appendix.

Find the. Data bellow
Can u tell the writer to write a comment about the data
And first 100 words about the charity he will choose


Please don’t forget the references

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