What should the supervisor’s review contain?

thesis reviewIn the scientific world, to successfully defend yourself, you need to go through a winding path consisting of stages characterized by varying degrees of difficulty. It is not enough to take. Typically, thesis review indicates the student’s personal qualities, how suitable he is for research work, what prospects he has, as a future scientist, etc. . It would be best if you also collected various opinions on it, including feedback from the supervisor. It, in turn, is a rather important document, which, as a rule, is attached to a diploma or dissertation work. It describes the pros and cons of the proposed material, its relevance, and the possibility of using it in the future.

Typically, thesis review indicates the student’s personal qualities, how suitable he is for research work, what prospects he has, as a future scientist, etc. Thesis review, in most cases, is written positively, trying to present the student from the best side, especially if the material being researched goes to some competition.

It is the scientific leader of the project who is aware of all the pitfalls in the diploma or dissertation because his duties include monitoring the writing of the theoretical part and, accordingly, implementing the practical one.

He is also the one who knows best what a student or graduate student is capable of. Sometimes, it can play a cruel joke, especially if the supervisor dislikes or, conversely, overestimates his pupil.

In this article, we will tell you what should contain the supervisor’s reviews, left for different types of research work, and see how exactly they are drawn up.

Feedback on the student competition of thesis review

thesisWhen submitting work for the competition, a thesis review from the supervisor must be attached to the documents, which contains the characteristics of the student and the aspects of the material being studied, the involvement of the applicant for the award in the research etc.

The form of writing is arbitrary, but it has specific starting points. First, it is indicated on whose scientific work the review is being written, then the title follows. As a rule, it is printed in bold and placed in the middle, like a heading.

What follows is the text itself, showing the author of the work from the good side. It describes the student, describes his ability to interact with the proposed material, and the provided list of recommended literature.

The central part of the document should include a list of tasks that the applicant for the award could solve by conducting his research. The result achieved by him, obtained during these studies, is also indicated.

This document can help the reviewer form his opinion on the work received and how effective its results are. A positive factor will be the circumstance review author writes in detail where and how one can apply the activity results.

Feedback on thesis review

The first sufficiently serious research in any student’s life is, of course, writing a diploma. It can be called the practical result of the long-term work of the graduate student. To successfully defend yourself, it still does not hurt to know some of the subtleties, including those encountered when drawing up this type of document.

As a rule, the volume is no more than two pages. The main text provides a brief analysis. Typically, the review begins by specifying the type of work. Next comes the name of the student. This information is centered.

The central part indicates the relevance of the topic touched upon, its novelty, and how competently it is revealed in the text. It should be noted that a precise sequence in the presentation of the diploma research is also essential. A separate item indicates the student’s skill in using teaching materials and various literary sources.

Feedback on dissertation work

A dissertation review is not much different from writing a review of a thesis. But there are also nuances here that must be adhered to:

  1. The review should indicate the prospect of further research and how much it is possible to implement the results of specific dissertation work in practice.
  2. In such a document, as a rule, controversial points are also noted. They usually need to be reviewed, reworked. But in general, these flaws should not be presented as critical.
  3. Even if some weaknesses are identified in the dissertation, it will be better if the supervisor presents them as questions for discussion.

As a rule, a recommendation for protection for an appropriate academic degree is written

in the last part.

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