Nursing  Discussion

Topic: Musculoskeletal, Hematologic, and Oncologic Conditions in Children Management PlansIn this unit, there will be a variety of conditions we will cover pertaining to musculoskeletal, hematologic, and oncologic conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:PathophysiologyEpidemiologyPhysical exam findingsDifferential diagnoses and rationaleManagement plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans, and referrals if neededIn addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates.Topics may include:Microcytic anemiaThalassemiasHemolytic anemiaSickle cell anemia and traitHereditary spherocytosisIdiopathic thrombocytopenic purpuraHemophiliasLeukemiaNon-Hodgkin lymphomaHodgkin lymphomaBrachial plexus injuryClavicle fractureCostochondritisScoliosisDevelopmental dysplasia of the hipLegg-Calve-Perthes diseaseSlipped capital femoral epiphysisGenu varum, genu valgumOsgood-Schlatter diseaseSubluxation of the radial head

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