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Topic 1 DQ 1Compliance suggests that the patient is just following recommendations from authority, rather than following a treatment plan based on a collaboration and communication (Osterberg & Blaschke, 2005). In this scenario the patient could be labeled as “uncooperative” or “difficult.”. Open communication allows for the health care professional to realize that the patient is putting up barriers to hide how she really feels. To break the barriers the health care professional can ask several questions. Does the patient have control of their medical condition? Does the patient accept that the illness will require lifestyle change? Has the patient been educated about their illness? These questions will reveal problems the patient is experiencing with their medical condition. Help the patient feel comfortable and demonstrating a genuine interest in positive outcomes.The approach I would use to help Alma Faulkenberger would begin with apologizing for mispronouncing her name and treat her with respect. Utilizing good communication and listening skills to develop a relationship with the patient. Once a rapport is established the health care professional is able to assess the patient and realizing that she may be nervous about her procedure and nervousness can cause someone to not act as themselves. Good communication and a relationship will aid in recommendation adherence. The term compliance denotes a power differential between patient and health professional (Falvo, 2011). Instead of compliance the health care professional should aim for adherence to recommendations that are patient-centered. A relationship built on communication, respect, and active participation will help promote healthy outcomes for Alma Faulkenberger.Osterberg, L., & Blaschke, T. (2005). Adherence to medication. New England journal of medicine, 353(5), 487-497.Falvo, D. (2011). Effective Patient Education: A Guide to Increased Adherence. (4 ed.). Retrieved from: To Facilitate Better Patient Compliance? (2

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