intl 220 research paper how the u s employed covert operations in the 21th century

Research question: How the U.S. employed Covert Operations in the 21th century?


Lowenthal, M. M. (2017). Intelligence: from secrets to policy (7th ed.). Los Angeles: CQ Press (see attached document with corresponding chapter 8)

Professor guidelines for the final paper.

Student research papers should conform to the American Psychological Association Style Guide. In particular, the papers should meet the following specifications:Numbered pagesDouble-spaced lines12 pitch fontOne inch margins

Final research paper (6 pages in length not including the Intro page and reference) will require students to apply what they have learned in the course by analyzing the impact of Intelligence. Students will be expected to begin thinking about a paper topic which incorporates our course topics in the U.S. Intelligence and national security early in the semester. I want to provide further guidance on the final paper assignment for the course. As indicated in the syllabus, in INTL 220 students must research and write on a past, present, or (for the truly ambitious) future imagined intelligence operation. Intelligence operations include the HUMINT, SIGINT, GEOINT/IMINT and MASINT collection disciplines (and sub-disciplines) covered in the course, as well as covert operations and counterintelligence (CI). The bibliography is organized by intelligence discipline, by era, by country, and in some cases by region. It is imperative that students begin preliminary research on their case studies immediately.

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